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Brian England, CF-L1, PN1-NC


January 8, 2025

Small Changes Build Healthy Habits

"It's worth remembering that it is often the small steps, not the giant leaps, that bring about the most lasting change." This quote by Queen Elizabeth II is posted prominently on the wall at Fortitude Fitness. Oftentimes you come into the New Year with big goals–excited and ready to change your habits. You do well for the first 2 weeks, but then one day eat that cookie that’s been staring at you from the cupboard and fall back into old habits, saying “oh well, I failed.” Time and time again we fall into this cycle, but it doesn’t have to be like this! I’m here to give you new ways to approach healthy habits and a better perspective on how the small changes we make can lead to lasting, positive change.

We believe in focusing on progress, not perfection. Small, sustainable changes lead to big transformations over time. You need to be gentle and kind to yourself and realize that you will make mistakes along the way. If you have that glass of wine after a hard day, that piece of birthday cake at the office, a second helping of lasagna, or "sneak" that late night cookie, don’t beat yourself up saying, “oh well, I failed” and then eat the entire box of cookies. Instead, look at all the positive decisions you made that day and over the last week! One stumble shouldn’t cause you to quit your journey. Reset your brain and get back to the positive changes you have committed to making.

I want to discuss three things that most of us can improve: nutrition, non-gym movement, and sleep. By focusing on these three areas we can increase our health in a huge way. Pick one small change in each category that you are confident you can complete 9 out of 10 times. Don’t make the change so difficult that you know you’ll fail–remember, we are looking for small, consistent steps. Focus on them each day and before you know it you will have created a new, healthy habit. Once you have mastered one change, then it’s time to add another one. Soon you will have added a ton of new skills to your health and wellness toolkit.

1. Nutrition: Focus on whole foods & make one dietary change

Instead of trying to overhaul your entire diet, start with ONE manageable change. For example:

- Swap out sugary drinks for water or herbal tea.

- Add a serving of vegetables to one meal each day.

- Increase your protein by one portion a day.

- Reduce your alcohol intake by one drink a day.

Consistency matters more than perfection. Celebrate each positive choice you make!

2. Non-gym movement: Increase movement with more steps

One of the simplest ways to increase our fitness is by walking. We can burn upwards of 300-500 calories a day by walking 10,000 steps! Aim to take more steps each day, here’s how:

- Walk to the gym.

- Take a brisk walk during your lunch break.

- Set a timer to stand up and stretch every hour.

- If you have dogs, give them an extra walk.

Tracking your steps with a fitness app or pedometer can provide a sense of accomplishment and motivate you to stay active. Most smart phones have the ability to track your steps as well.

3. Sleep: Improve your nighttime routine

Quality sleep is a cornerstone of good health, yet it’s often overlooked. Our body uses sleep to do a lot of things including restoration and recovery. A simple nighttime routine can help signal to your body that it’s time to wind down:

- Set a consistent bedtime and wake time, even on weekends. If you want to get up earlier each day, set your alarm 5 minutes earlier every few days until you get to your desired wake time. Again, small changes.

- Create a relaxing pre-sleep ritual, like reading a book, meditating, or enjoying a cup of chamomile tea.

- Avoid screens at least 1 hour before bed.

- Limit caffeine intake 8 hours prior to bed.

- Limit alcohol and food intake 4 hours prior to bed.

By prioritizing your sleep, you’ll wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle your day.

The Power of Consistency and Progress

The journey to better health is not a sprint, but a marathon. Celebrate the small wins along the way and focus on building habits that align with your goals. At Fortitude Fitness we’re here to support you every step of the way. Whether you’re improving your nutrition, adding more movement, or prioritizing your rest, each positive change brings you closer to a healthier, happier you.

Here’s to a year of progress and resilience. Let’s make it your strongest year yet!

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